Zünd Service & Support-avtal

Martin Staun, Production Manager

”We have the Gold Service and Support Package with Zünd Skandinavien for our eight cutters, and it works flawlessly!

We use the Service Contract for all issues, whatever the extent. By being on top of things when they occur – even the smallest – we avoid that they develop into more serious issues.

Our cutters are never allowed to deteriorate in any way.

Vi have made careful calculations of the profitability of our Service Contract. However we look at it, having a Service Contract is the best investment for us and entirely worth the cost.”

Christine Sjølie, Oslo Silketrykk

”Zünd Skandinavien has been our supplier of cutters since 2007.

We have chosen to sign a service agreement for both our cutters to ensure our production operates as planned every day. Although Zünd‘s cutters rarely stop, a service agreement gives us security.

Zünd sets up a maintenance plan for our cutters. By this, all maintenance is done in advance so to avoid unnecessary stops in production. Also, a service agreement gives us full access to technicians and assistance along the way.

We at Oslo Silketrykk recommend everyone to sign a service agreement with Zünd to protect their cutters, and give them a longer life.

Our oldest machine is almost 14 years old, so we have plenty of proof that it pays off.”

Tom Iversjö, Production

”We have four Cutters from Zünd, which receive service at least two times a year. Also, we often use telephone-consultation.

We need to minimize downtime, and maximize the speed of production. Having Zünd’s technicians close at hand at all times, is a very crutial part of the agreement.

A short time from problem to solution is also of great value to us. Also the competence and expertise of the technicians, and their advice on how to use our cutters in the best and smartest way.

We are especially happy with our service-guy Niklas Ekstrand, and his expertise and level of service.”

Ville Pajunen · Nylon Tuote

”A cutter is a significant investment, and it was important for us to get the best value for our money in terms of quality and durability. The Zünd Cutter is very versatile, so we use it throughout our production.

Fortunately, we’ve experienced minimal mechanical problems with the cutter, and it consistently runs smoothly.

Recognizing that every machine requires occasional service, we’ve entered into a software and hardware maintenance agreement with Zünd. We see it as an investment in maintaining seamless production without downtime.

Avoiding breakdowns and wait times is crucial for us, why staying updated and secure is essential.”

  • Free access to our phone support where we also have the opportunity to assist by providing direct connections to the system over the Internet by Remote Desktop.

  • A visit every 10 months for check, adjustment, calibration, lubrication and cleaning of the cutter for optimal functionality and minimizing wear and risk of production stop. The agreement covers all costs associated with the maintenance visits (service travel hours, and travel expenses) and service hours for the exchange of conveyor belt in combination with maintenance.

  • Priority in any emergency repairs and / or delivery of spare parts. We strive to begin service latest within 8 working hours after a service call.

  • Access to renovated spare parts that are significantly cheaper than new.

Choose between:


Discount on service hours

10% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.

Discount on spare parts

10% discount on spare parts for the machine.

Discount on consumables

15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.

Extended warranty

Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.

Installation supports of updates

Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement

Software tips and tricks

Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement


Discount on service hours

15% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.

Discount on spare parts

10% discount on spare parts for the machine.

Discount on consumables

15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.

Extended warranty

Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.

Service repair hours

The agreement covers the technician hours for repairs.

Installation supports of updates

Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement

Software tips and tricks

Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement


Discount on service hours

15% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.

Discount on spare parts

10% discount on spare parts for the machine.

Discount on consumables

15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.

Extended warranty

Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.

Service repair hours

Covers the technician hours for repairs.

Travel & Accommodation

Includes costs for travel & accommodation related to repairs.

Installation supports of updates

Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement

Software tips and tricks

Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement


Discount on service hours

20% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.

Covers spare parts besides the parts included in the Preventive Maintenance Service kit.

Discount on consumables

15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.

Extended warranty

Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.

Service repair hours

Covers the technician hours for repairs.

Travel & Accommodation

Includes costs for travel & accommodation related to repairs.

Installation supports of updates

Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement

Software tips and tricks

Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement

Zünd Programvaruavtal

Permanent programvarulicens med underhåll

Med en permanent programvarulicens kan du använda programvaran på obestämd tid, även efter att underhållsavtalet har avslutats. För licensen betalas en engångsavgift. Underhållsavtalet förnyas periodiskt genom betalning av en årlig avgift. Ett aktivt underhållsavtal säkerställer kompatibilitet mellan operativsystemet på PC:n och skärmaskinens hårdvara, samt ger dig alltid tillgång till den senaste programvaruversionen. Underhållet inkluderar alla större uppdateringar, mindre förbättringar och buggfixar.

Prenumerationslicens för programvara

Med dessa programvarulösningar drar du nytta av en tydlig prenumerationsmodell baserad på en årlig avgift. Prenumerationen inkluderar uppdateringar och buggfixar för att säkerställa att dina programvaruprodukter alltid är aktuella. Programvarulicenser med prenumerationsmodell kan även redovisas som driftskostnader.

Fördelar i korthet

  • Under avtalets löptid har du alltid tillgång till den senaste versionen.

  • Säkerställer att kompatibiliteten med nya operativsystem och hårdvara återställs så snabbt som möjligt.

  • Om dina behov förändras kan du lägga till fler prenumerationslicenser eller avsluta prenumerationen när som helst.

  • Programvaruprodukter kan uppgraderas när som helst.

  • Avtalet ger dig tillgång till större uppdateringar, mindre uppdateringar och buggfixar.

  • Installationsstöd för uppdateringar ingår utan extra kostnad i kombination med Zünd Service och Support-avtal (Bronze, Silver, Gold och Platinum).

  • Programvarutips och hjälp med konfiguration är kostnadsfritt vid regelbundna servicebesök som omfattas av Zünd Service och Support-avtal (Bronze, Silver, Gold och Platinum).


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