Zünd Service & Support-avtal

Choose between:
Discount on service hours
10% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.
Discount on spare parts
10% discount on spare parts for the machine.
Discount on consumables
15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.
Extended warranty
Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.
Installation supports of updates
Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement
Software tips and tricks
Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement
Discount on service hours
15% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.
Discount on spare parts
10% discount on spare parts for the machine.
Discount on consumables
15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.
Extended warranty
Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.
Service repair hours
The agreement covers the technician hours for repairs.
Installation supports of updates
Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement
Software tips and tricks
Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement
Discount on service hours
15% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.
Discount on spare parts
10% discount on spare parts for the machine.
Discount on consumables
15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.
Extended warranty
Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.
Service repair hours
Covers the technician hours for repairs.
Travel & Accommodation
Includes costs for travel & accommodation related to repairs.
Installation supports of updates
Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement
Software tips and tricks
Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement
Discount on service hours
20% discount on technician hours for tasks or repairs not covered by warranty or this service & support agreement.
Covers spare parts besides the parts included in the Preventive Maintenance Service kit.
Discount on consumables
15% discount on consumer goods such as knives, router bits, conveyor belt and other wear parts.
Extended warranty
Ensure the extended 24 month warranty on the basis machine.
Service repair hours
Covers the technician hours for repairs.
Travel & Accommodation
Includes costs for travel & accommodation related to repairs.
Installation supports of updates
Installation support of updates are free in combination with Zünd Software Agreement
Software tips and tricks
Software tips and tricks, assistance with configuration is free when in combination with regular on-site service visits covered by Zünd Software Agreement

Zünd Programvaruavtal
Permanent programvarulicens med underhåll
Med en permanent programvarulicens kan du använda programvaran på obestämd tid, även efter att underhållsavtalet har avslutats. För licensen betalas en engångsavgift. Underhållsavtalet förnyas periodiskt genom betalning av en årlig avgift. Ett aktivt underhållsavtal säkerställer kompatibilitet mellan operativsystemet på PC:n och skärmaskinens hårdvara, samt ger dig alltid tillgång till den senaste programvaruversionen. Underhållet inkluderar alla större uppdateringar, mindre förbättringar och buggfixar.
Prenumerationslicens för programvara
Med dessa programvarulösningar drar du nytta av en tydlig prenumerationsmodell baserad på en årlig avgift. Prenumerationen inkluderar uppdateringar och buggfixar för att säkerställa att dina programvaruprodukter alltid är aktuella. Programvarulicenser med prenumerationsmodell kan även redovisas som driftskostnader.